Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Life Update, 28 September 2011

I miss my old blog. When I first began blogging in 2005, while working at the now non-existent commercial post-production company that was my first job out of college, I was very afraid of putting my full name on the internet. My concern was that I was going to become a successful director one day and I didn't want anyone to be able to search back 5, 10 years prior, to see the immature, unrefined place where I began. But I've long abandoned that idea in favor of absolute transparency.

My mind has been racing lately and I haven't had much of a venue for expressing myself without injecting my thoughts into other people's lives the way that social media like Twitter and Facebook status-ing work. Writing here, people who are interested can seek out this information if they want it - so I've decided to start blogging again.

Blogging is a very general term. It's become a critical medium, or a venue for amateur opinion editorialism. But that's not what this is going to be - at least not for a while. These posts are personal revelations, rants and introspections. I just need to get the flurry of thoughts swirling around in my head down in concrete form so that I can organize the current mental chaos in my brain.

When I was 19, I completely changed my lifestyle and life-desires and it marks the time I really began to pursue my goals with absolute focus. At the end of this year, it will have been ten years since I started on that path. While there have been some great surprises along the way, a wealth of experiences, travel and relationships that I am deeply grateful for, I also feel like I've failed to live up to my own expectation of where I hoped I would end up at 29, when I was 19. So I've got seven months to set things straight.

My immediate goals are pretty simple. To finish my first film and get it into a few major film festivals, to finish my second film in half the time it took to complete the first one, and to finish the draft of my first book, a travel memoir recounting the best stories from 47 countries and 12 months of mostly solo trips around the world. And I'm going to blog through the process.

*I still haven't stopped taking pictures every single day for my visual diary, it was just too tedious to download and post them every day. I'll work the best ones in as I blog.